Get my free guide now!

We've been hiking with our families for years. We know it isn't always easy to convince kids to put down the electronics and go for a walk in the woods! These are the tips and tricks we've used to motivate and entertain our kids while hiking. We cover it all - from "Before you go" to "While you're out there" to "After your done." Fill in your email below and we'll send you your guide right away!

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    "To walk in nature is to witness a thousand miracles."

    Marie Davis

    What you get:

    You get a 22 page PDF guide, delivered to your inbox in just a few minutes, that will give you ideas, inspiration, tips, tricks, and more to help you make hiking with your kids more manageable.

    What is it all about?

    We break our guide down into three parts:

    1. Before you go
    2. While you're out there
    3. After you're done

    Plus, we also give you some great suggestions for extra supplies to bring in both the winter and summer, as well as some ideas of what to bring in a small bag so you're always prepared.

    Want to motivate your kids to hike? Want some ideas for what to do on the trails? Not sure if you have everything you need? Then download your free guide today - we'll answer all those questions and more. Just enter your email address above, and we'll send you the guide in just minutes.